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2023 Daily Draw With Me Challenge

If you are anything like me, you love the IDEA of New Year Resolutions, but maybe struggle with actually keeping up with them. Honestly, a lot of it is B&$%!IT! I mean...come on, we are humans! We are imperfect! And then we hold ourselves up to impossible standards each January and then fall off the wagon by February. And yet, I still love new beginnings, fresh starts and anything that can help me start a new ritual. 

Now that feels a little more achievable.

The most helpful thing for me over the years has been to set intentions (or rituals) rather than resolutions. I want to invite you to make it your new ritual to draw every day in 2023...for at least 10 minutes. And I'm going to be there right beside you, drawing every day. I'll even provide the references each week.

While we're talking about what's achievable, I want you to allow yourself a bit of wiggle room for life. Obviously try your best to keep this daily ritual up with me, because it WILL make us better at drawing. Practicing a daily habits is, in fact, what sets apart the advanced in the creative industry versus the dabblers. But hey, if you get sick, if you have kids to take care of, or life gets in the way I get it. Hopefully by keeping things simple and promising yourself just ten minutes of time, you can get to the point that you can fit in just a bit of drawing each and every day in 2023! 

A ritual is an honorable habit. It's special. It's frequent. And it helps us to remember what things are important to us. Drawing and improving art skills is SO incredibly important to me, and I've talked with enough students to know that it's important to you too.

So without further ado, here's the scoop!

The 2023 Draw With Me Challenge is a free drawing event!!! It's for drawing friends, surface pattern designers or anyone who wants to improve their drawing skills. Seriously, come one, come all.

Throughout 2023 I'll be providing a full year of drawing references that takes the guesswork and overwhelm out of developing your drawing skills. Just draw what I’m drawing! I'll be posting my own work every day to my Instagram feed and stories, with each day including a reference at the end. I'll also be providing the same references a week ahead of time, each Tuesday, via my newsletter which you can join for free here

 I also have two ways to share your art as you work your way through this challenge!

• You can post your drawings on social media at the hashtag over on Instagram.

• If you you can join my Inner Circle community! This free group is a place where we can all connect with each other a little more easily!

I am SO excited to draw with you every day! I hope you'll join me in the 2023 Daily Draw With Me Challenge!



50% Complete

Two Step

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